Welcome to Chapel Lakes Elementary, home of the Cheetahs!

upcoming events



*Feb. 4th - NO SCHOOL

*Feb. 14th - Spring Party Day

*Feb. 17th - NO SCHOOL

*Feb. 18th - 21st - Kindness Week

*Mar. 6th & 7th - Kindergarten Screenings (email [email protected] to schedule an appointment)

*Mar. 7th - Spring Individual & Classroom pictures

*Mar. 7th - 14th - Book Fair

*Mar. 17th - 21st - NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)



Would you like to have lunch with your student?  Sign up by going to CLE Lunch Visitor Sign up at least 5 days in advance.  An approved background check must be on file. 

Lunch start times:
Kindergarten - 11:30am
1st Grade - 11:40am
2nd Grade - 11:55am
3rd Grade - 12:45pm
4th Grade - 12:20pm
5th Grade - 12:30pm


Background check's must be submitted 5 days in advance.  Sorry, no exceptions.  To submit a background check, click the Quick Link below.

Quick Links


PeachJar Chapel Lakes Elementary

CLE Information

3701 NE Independence Avenue
Lee's Summit, MO 64064

Ph) 816-874-3600
Fx) 816-525-9502

School hours: 9:15am - 4:05pm


Principal - Mrs. Liz White
Email: [email protected]

Asst. Principal - Mrs. Hillary Anwander
Email: [email protected]

Office Staff

Counselor - Mrs. Stacy Scalfaro
Email: [email protected]

Counselor - Ms. Deven Wallace
Email: [email protected]

Clinic - Mrs. Jacquelyn Alexander
Email: [email protected] 

Secretary - Mrs. Holly White
Email: [email protected]

Receptionist - Mrs. Jessica Herrington
Email: [email protected] 


Cheetah pawprint


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January 26, no eventsJanuary 27, no eventsJanuary 28, no eventsJanuary 29, no eventsJanuary 30, no eventsJanuary 31, no eventsFebruary 01, no events
February 02, no eventsFebruary 03, no events4February 05, no eventsFebruary 06, no eventsFebruary 07, no eventsFebruary 08, no events
February 09, no eventsFebruary 10, no eventsToday, February 11, no eventsFebruary 12, no eventsFebruary 13, no events14February 15, no events
February 16, no events1718192021February 22, no events
February 23, no eventsFebruary 24, no eventsFebruary 25, no eventsFebruary 26, no eventsFebruary 27, no eventsFebruary 28, no eventsMarch 01, no events